BET Tweets Us About Official Bags!

Thank you BET for tweeting us about the official BET Gift Bags We put together: Special thanks go out to:
‪#‎LamikCosmetics‬‪#‎CuisineNoir‬‪#‎Samsonite‬‪#‎TenMinuteSewIn‬,‪#‎AlacranTequila‬‪#‎BelleButter‬‪#‎StrawberryLaserLipo‬,‪#‎TheFreshDiet‬‪#‎VolcanicaCandles‬‪#‎IllyIssimo‬,‪#‎DuracellPowermats‬‪#‎Incipio‬‪#‎CompartesChocolatier‬,‪#‎ManeKiss‬‪#‎ASimpleToast‬‪#‎YoungHeeSalon‬‪#‎Theodent‬,‪#‎Schmid‬ ‪#‎CreamofNature‬

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Malin Akerman Says Thank You!

Malin Akerman sent ‪#‎Hollywood‬ Baskets‪#‎SwagGivesBack‬ this sweet and gracious Thank you note for her baby basket. We thank the brands that took part!

Malin Akerman

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New Celebrity Baby Parents Help Give Back to Needy Moms Across the US

Hollywood Swag Bag Gives Back with the Help of Tori Spelling! Learn what Perez Hilton, Holly Madison, Beverley Mitchell, Kristen Bell, Lisa Ling and Malin Akerman all have in common, besides all being new parents. Take a look on how they are helping to give back to deserving Moms all across the US.

Everyone always wonders why celebrities get free amazing products sent to them, while those who really need it don’t. With the help of Hollywood Baskets and new celebrity baby parents, they can give back to those who really need it.

Hollywood Baskets is a Los Angeles based gift basket company that has been serving the entertainment industry since 1994. As part of their service they send celebrity moms and dads in Hollywood a gorgeous baby basket towering with products for the babies, parents and siblings too. The gift company wanted to find a way to provide free baskets to new moms in need.

“If we could get the celebrities to help our efforts, we could help put a smile on the face of a family in need”, says Lisa Gal Bianchi founder of the company.

How do you get a busy celebrity to stop and help? “That was most difficult dilemma”. “We wanted it to be easy and not burden celebrities that already had busy schedules, not to mention newborns”.

“I thought if the celebrities just tweeted or sent a thank you note or photo and acknowledge the gifts that other companies would like to take part and donate products to our deserving Moms”.

Paula Catalan’s husband lost his job due to an injury. Being the sole provider for the family took its toll and the family could not afford to pay the bills, let alone extras for a new baby. Paula was chosen from an email submission making her the first recipient of the Baby Basket of Hope. Once Hollywood Baskets has enough donors they will offer a One for One Program, which means for each celebrity gifted there will be a Baby Basket of Hope that goes out to the deserving Mom.

Special thanks go out to the product donors: Simon Said and Co., FiaFini, Amy’s Kitchen, Cybele’s Free To Eat Gluten Free Cookies, Phytomer USA, Oxylent, Flying Wish Paper, SeaSnax, Jennifer Ormond’s DJ’s Allergies, DiDi Pop Music, Bari Koral Music, Hangers Couture, Triactol Breast Serum ,
Dionis Goat Milk Skincare Since 1982, By a Thread, UnBOWlievable, Cute Beltz, Waldo, Sluggo & ME, Bijoux Terner, bama +ry, Paci-Plushies and ZatsWho. Hollywood Baskets donated necessities including diapers, formula and baby first aid kit

Deserving Mom

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Hollywood Swag Bag coordinated and assembled The Official BET Gift Bags for this weekends BET Experience at LA Live.  Product sponsors included:

Ten Minute Sew In, Samsonite Luggage, Creme of Nature, Cuisine Noir, Illy Issimo,

Duracell Powermats, The Fresh Diet, Moet & Chandon, YoungHee Salon, Volcanica Candles, A Simple Toast, Lamik Beauty, Schmid Sneakers, Mane Kiss, Incipio F8 Headphones in Hot Pink and Turquoise as well as the Gumball 3000 Iphone covers,

Mane Kiss, Alacran Tequila, Belle Butter, Dr. Stokes for The Strawberry Laser Lipo, My Little Black Box Jewelry and Theodent Toothpaste.

We thank all the amazing sponsors who took part!


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Hollywood Swag Bag’s Celebrities Give Back and Gift a deserving Mom.

Perez Hilton, Holly Madison, Beverley Mitchell, Kristen Bell and Malin Ackerman all have acknowledged and thanked us for their baby baskets that were created by Hollywood Baskets.  Therefore it allows Hollywood Swag Bag to Give Back to deserving Moms across the United States.  Thank you to all the generous product donors with who none of it could be possible.  Brands included are: Simon Said baby onesies, SeaSnax seaweed snacks, Amy’s Kitchen, Cybele’s Gluten Free Cookies, Nookums, Phytomer USA products, Oxylent Multi-Vitamin drink, Flying Wish Paper, Guess How Much I Love You Skincare line, Waldo, Sluggo & ME (The Good VooDoo Doll), DiDi Pop Children’s CD, Bari Koral Children’s CD, Jennifer Ormond Children’s Book, Cute Beltz, Zatswho  Baby Photo Album, Triactol Bust Serum, By a Thread, UnBOWlievable hair accessories, Bijoux Terner, Bama + Ry, and Hangers Couture.


Hollywood Baskets added Diapers, Wipes, Baby Formula and other essentials including baby clothing for the deserving MOM.


The deserving MOM program is on going.  If you wish to donate to the deserving MOM gifts please email for more information.


If you have a product you would like to have considered for the celebrity baby gifting club please contact


Remember, it is always better to give than to receive. #SwagGivesBack

Deserving Mom

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