Category: Celebrity Thank You Notes

Swag Gives Back Thanks to Celebs

On Behalf all of the fabulous celebrities that recently acknowledged their #Swag #ChadLowe #KellieMartin #DeanMcDermott we are proud to #GiveBack to #AndieImpact #impactconservatory and these talented amazing kids. They put on a show that blew us away! #Andie belongs on #Broadway Thank you #BluPr for the opportunity!! #SwagGivesBack #HollywoodSwagBag Hollywood Swag Bag’s photo.

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Tiffani Theissen Pays it Forward by Acknowledging her Hollywood Baby Basket by Hollywood Swag Bag

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A Celebrity Thank You from Jenna von Oy

  A wonderful and sweet thank you note from Jenna von Oy for her baby basket.

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Mila Kunis Helps to Give Back

Mila Kunis helps to #GIVEBACK to deserving mothers in Los Angeles. #WeGiveLocal Thank you #WholeFoods and all of the amazing brands who support our cause!!

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Mila Kunis Paying it Forward

Mila Kunis sent us this photo with a big THANK YOU on the envelope for her baby basket! We thank #MilaKunis for paying it forward and NOW we offer a GIVE Back Basket to a deserving Mom at #LAhousing this week! Stay tuned!!

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