Category: Our Brands

Another amazing Hollywood Swag Bag success story!

Here is the post I received today from one of our clients: “Received a call from one of last year’s Oscar nominees! She loved her personalized Sweet Jane Paperie custom fabric-backed notecards that were in the Oscar swag bags. She’s almost through her set and loved using them so much, she ordered two more sets …

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Reese Witherspoon Tweets About Book in Hollywood Swag Bag Honoring Oscars!

Gotta love that Reese loves her book from our gift bag!

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Congrats to our client Skights and their fabulous shoutout from actress Sherri Saum (Fosters).

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Our Client IndigoH2O!!! Congrats on the press!

Small company shooting for big screen stars…  

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Chad Coleman Tweeting about his Favorite Hotel Grammy Gift Bag item…Seasnax!

So exciting Chad Coleman from The Walking Dead Tweeted his favorite product in his Hotel Grammy Gift Bag was Seasnax Chomperz!!!! Yay!! Congrats Seasnax!

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