Category: Hollywood Swag Bag

New Celebrity Baby Parents Help Give Back to Needy Moms Across the US

Hollywood Swag Bag Gives Back with the Help of Tori Spelling! Learn what Perez Hilton, Holly Madison, Beverley Mitchell, Kristen Bell, Lisa Ling and Malin Akerman all have in common, besides all being new parents. Take a look on how they are helping to give back to deserving Moms all across the US. Everyone always wonders …

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Hollywood Swag Bag coordinated and assembled The Official BET Gift Bags for this weekends BET Experience at LA Live.  Product sponsors included: Ten Minute Sew In, Samsonite Luggage, Creme of Nature, Cuisine Noir, Illy Issimo, Duracell Powermats, The Fresh Diet, Moet & Chandon, YoungHee Salon, Volcanica Candles, A Simple Toast, Lamik Beauty, Schmid Sneakers, Mane …

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Hollywood Swag Bag’s Celebrities Give Back and Gift a deserving Mom.

Perez Hilton, Holly Madison, Beverley Mitchell, Kristen Bell and Malin Ackerman all have acknowledged and thanked us for their baby baskets that were created by Hollywood Baskets.  Therefore it allows Hollywood Swag Bag to Give Back to deserving Moms across the United States.  Thank you to all the generous product donors with who none of …

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2013 Annual Poolside Summer Bash with Perez Hilton

Thank you for all of the companies who took part in our Hollywood Swag Bag gift bag for the 2013 Annual Poolside Summer Bash with Perez Hilton. We are proud to feature Canvas For Life, April Marin, Robert Silvers Coffee table book Photomosaics, Green & Blacks Organic Chocolate, Illy Issimo, GreenPaxx, Pure Sweets Baked …

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Kristen Bell Says Thank You!

Kristen Bell sends us a signed photo as a “thank you” for her Hollywood Swag Baby Basket!! We love that she loves her gift! Thank you to all of you amazing brands that took part! So far all our new baby parents have acknowledged their gifts. 🙂

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