Category: Hollywood Swag Bag

Teen Choice Awards Nominees Pay it Forward with Hollywood Swag Bag This Weekend; Viewers Can Win Too

Online PR News – 08-August-2013 –Over 100 Teen Choice nominees will receive some fun Teen inspired Swag delivered direct from Hollywood Swag Bag, a premier gifting company in Los Angeles. When the celebrities acknowledge the gifts by Tweeting, Hollywood Swag Bag will auction off SWAG and proceeds will benefit the celebrities’ charity of choice. Teen …

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Gifting Opportunity – Kate and William’s Royal Baby Boy!

Hollywood Swag Bag will gift Kate and William’s The Royal Baby Boy! A huge media opportunity. Also, we have direct access to get the baby basket to the royal couple! Excited to have this featured on The Celebrity Baby Blog for People Magazine on September 3, 2013. Contact Us or Visit our Facebook Page

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Hollywood Swag Bag client Emily Lopez of Purple Posom made the NEWS for her product.

Hollywood Swag Bag client Emily Lopez of Purple Posom made the NEWS for her product. Way to go Emily! Check it out! Small correction…the basket will be featured in The People Magazine Baby Blog Online on September 3rd, 2013 ODESSA, Mo. — The Royals are excitedly announcing the arrival of a new baby boy. And …

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BET Tweets Us About Official Bags!

Thank you BET for tweeting us about the official BET Gift Bags We put together: Special thanks go out to: ‪#‎LamikCosmetics‬, ‪#‎CuisineNoir‬, ‪#‎Samsonite‬, ‪#‎TenMinuteSewIn‬,‪#‎AlacranTequila‬, ‪#‎BelleButter‬, ‪#‎StrawberryLaserLipo‬,‪#‎TheFreshDiet‬, ‪#‎VolcanicaCandles‬, ‪#‎IllyIssimo‬,‪#‎DuracellPowermats‬, ‪#‎Incipio‬, ‪#‎CompartesChocolatier‬,‪#‎ManeKiss‬, ‪#‎ASimpleToast‬, ‪#‎YoungHeeSalon‬, ‪#‎Theodent‬,‪#‎Schmid‬ ‪#‎CreamofNature‬

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Malin Akerman Says Thank You!

Malin Akerman sent ‪#‎Hollywood‬ Baskets‪#‎SwagGivesBack‬ this sweet and gracious Thank you note for her baby basket. We thank the brands that took part!

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