Category: Giving Back

Chad Lowe Gives Back by Acknowledging his Baby Basket from Hollywood Swag Bag

A BIG THANK you to Chad Lowe for this thank you note! Now we will pay it forward in his honor to LA FAMILY HOUSING stay tuned two give back baskets going out in a couple weeks in honor of him and Kellie Martin who were sweet enough to acknowledge their gifts! We LOVE giving back!

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Dean McDermott pays it forward with Hollywood Swag Bag

A BIG thank you to ‪#‎DeanMcDermott‬ for ‪#‎payingitforward‬ with ‪#‎HollywoodSwagBag.‬ We will give back in your name! Stay tuned! Thank you ‪#‎PlasticMartyr‬ for making this happen!

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Alan Cumming Tweets and Gives Back with Hollywood Swag Bag

A HUGE shoutout thank you to Alan Cumming who tweeted about his bag. We did a give back in his honor today to benefit Cure Starts Now Foundation and a donation to their gala charity event in his name! Yay!

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So thrilled for our tweet from Chad Michael Murray about his baby basket from Hollywood Swag Bag!

Now Hollywood Swag Bag will pay it forward by sending another baskets to #LAHOUSING #FAMILYSERVICES in his name! So happy to pay it forward because #SwagGivesBack.

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A Big Thank you to ‪‎Jesse Csincsak‬ for acknowledgement of his baby basket!

He is paying it forward with this basket that is being donated to the local shelter ‪#‎LAHOUSING‬ and ‪#‎FamilyServices‬ in North Hollywood! Thank you to all of our ‪#‎GiveBackDonors‬ ‪#‎SwagGivesBack‬

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