2014 Teen Choice Awards Gift Bags from Hollywood Swag Bag are amazing!! The nominees are going to LOVE them!
Secure on Style Handbag www.secureonstyle.com
Swimsuit by Swimsuits Direct www.swimsuitsdirect.com
Interchangeable Leggings By OPPOS www.oppos.com
Cosmetics by MicaBeauty www.micabeauty.com
Fruity Pebble and Cocoa Pebbles by Post Brand Cerealwww.postfoods.com/our-brands/pebbles
Vaseline Men’s and Women’s Spray Lotions www.vaseline.us
Suave Visible Glow Self Tanning Body Lotion www.suave.com
Packable Pails www.packablepails.com
Bombshell Beauty Hair Accessories www.bombshellbeauty.com
Beverly Hills Psychic’s $100.00 gift certificate www.beverlyhillspsychics.com
Seasnax www.seasnax.com
Adams Attic CD www.facebook.com/pages/Adams-Attic/7152084006
Puppy Cat Talking Plush www.welovefine.com
Singing the Song of Life Book by Debra Beryle www.SingingTheSongofLife.com
All Natural Body Care by Destiny Boutique www.destinyboutique.com
Spot-Light Clip It Hair Extension www.itsacliphair.com
French Vanilla Popcorn www.JustPoppin.com
Amy’s Organic Andy’s Dandy Candy Bars www.amys.com
biochemistry Heel No Pain by Dr. Haworth biochemistry.la/home
Oscar William Cotton Candy www.oscarwilliamcottoncandy.com
Serious Serum www.seriousserum.com
Bazooka Bubble Gum www.facebook.com/bazookabubblegum
Ring Pop www.facebook.com/ringpop
EXO Supply Nail Polish Remover www.EXOSUPPLY.com
Makeup Brush by Luxie Lush www.luxielush.com