Alyson Hannigan thanks us for her cute baby basket!
August 2012 archive
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Aug 23
Kourtney Kardashian Gets Gifted by Hollywood Swag Bag
Kourtney Kardashian baby basket for Penelope 2012— with Amy Gersh Rzepka, Julia Lambie, Bari Koral,Jennifer Ormond, Judi Smith, Deborah DidiPop Poppink, Dashiel St. Damien, Caron Lunde,Strawberrie Rose, Nancy Leotta, Lori Cohn, Darlene Roberts Giol, Erin KrinklzBaby, Moody Skincare,Jenni Fuego, tracy suanders, Ela Lewicki Cacciola,Carla Masterson, Jin Jun and Delores Gigi Hamilton-Butler
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Aug 06
Molly Sims Gets Gifted by Hollywood Swag Bag
Molly Sims Baby Gift Basket — with Darlene Roberts Giol, Nancy Leotta, Gail Squire Cruz, Jin Jun, Julia Lambie, Jennifer Ormond, Lori Cohn, Delores Gigi Hamilton-Butler, Amy Gersh Rzepka, Erin KrinklzBaby, Deborah DidiPop Poppink, Carla Masterson, Bari Koral, Ela Lewicki Cacciola, Dashiel St. Damien and Judi Smith.
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Aug 05
Alyson Hannigon Gets Gifted by Hollywood Swag Bag
Alyson Hannigon Gets Gifted by Hollywood Swag Bag With Deborah DidiPop Poppink, Ela Lewicki Cacciola,Bari Koral, Darlene Roberts Giol, Lori Cohn, Jin Jun,Nancy Leotta, Carla Masterson, Judi Smith, Erin KrinklzBaby, Julia Lambie, Amy Gersh Rzepka, Julia Ormond, Dashiel St. Damien and Lisa Gal Bianchi.
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